This is Kodiak. My first doggy and my 100 pound lap dog. He was my first investment and it took me a full six months (at least) to earn the $600 for him. It was hard but I think it made him much more valuable to me than if my parents would have paid for him. I recall my parents telling me that a puppy was like having a newborn baby. I chose not to listen to them until
after I got him (
conveniently at 1:00 in the morning when I was sitting next to his crate, tapping it whenever he cried).
Hehe. He was a rascally puppy but has (thankfully) grown out of the stage and become a wonderfully spirited Bernese Mountain Dog. Its sinful how much I adore him.

This is Sasha. 8 months younger than Kodiak and a dream compared to his
puppy hood. I think its because they wear each other out. Whatever it is she hasn't been nearly as hard as he was. I was very reluctant to get a winter puppy because of house training problem but thankfully her previous owners had been very good with it and it wasn't a very big issue. The only reason my dad ended up letting us get her was because
Kody had been chewing on the side of the house from boredom. Chewed house, new puppy.
guess the latter sounded better to him. Anyway, we absolutely love her and Kodiak and are enjoying them both
soooo much.
More Pictures.....

Mid barking :)
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